Save Centennial Glen Final Submission
The Group
The Save Centennial Glen group has strongly opposed the construction of a highway through the areas of Centennial Glen, Shipley Road, Porters Pass and Fort Rock. On October 12, 2020 our efforts were rewarded. See Centennial Glen Saved!
In the group name, and on this site, the term Centennial Glen refers to all these areas.
Centennial Glen
Centennial Glen is a home to a wide diversity of flora and fauna, including many vulnerable and endangered species of plant, bird and animal.
Centennial Glen is outside the national park, and so it is a place where people can walk their dogs in beautiful bushland surroundings and where rock climbers face the challenge of the towering walls. Bushwalkers, birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts all enjoy walks and views in Centennial Glen, and hang-gliders and paragliders launch from Mt Blackheath.
The Porters Pass walk is one of the oldest Blue Mountains walks, and has been in use at least as far back as the 1880s.
The bushland in Centennial Glen survived the devastating bushfires of late 2019 and early 2020. It has become a refuge for many birds and animals that lost their habitats nearby.
It is a beautiful, life-affirming place and the NSW government cannot be allowed to destroy it for the sake of a road.
What We Do
In late 2019 the group submitted the case for saving Centennial Glen to Transport for NSW. See:
Save Centennial Glen Final Submission
The Save Centennial Glen group was invited to become a member of the BCC (Blackheath Co-design Committee). This committee is the mechanism for community involvement in the design of the proposed highway upgrade. The committee met for the first time in early May 2020.
The Blackheath Co-design Committee was offered a limited set of options by Transport for NSW. Building no road at all is not among those options. In view of that, the Save Centennial Glen group is advocating for the option of a long tunnel under Blackheath; in particular, a tunnel that is lined so as not to interfere with the natural flow of water through the area, and fulfils other requirements to preserve the environment and the amenity. See Why the Long Tunnel?
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