The TfNSW (Transport for NSW) minutes for the August 19th, 2020 meeting of the BCC (Blackheath Co-design Committee) are below:


We have some great news to share following the meeting of the BCC (Blackheath Co-design Committee) on Wednesday 19 August, 2020. By then there were six options on the table: through Centennial Glen, through Station Street, widening the Great Western Highway, a short tunnel and two long tunnels (one under the Western side of the highway, one under the Eastern side).

Here’s the good news:

TfNSW gave us a direct, clear and public assurance that they had heard and understand our emphatic rejection of the Centennial Glen and Station Street options, and these options should not progress any further.

Given this, we can expect that the final report (out in October for public consultation about the final preferred option(s)) will not include Centennial Glen as an option.

Finally, the co-design committee was unanimous (amazing!) about what the preferred option should be, but we need to wait for the Minister’s approval before that is made public.

It’s not over until it’s over, but this feels pretty good for Centennial Glen.

A very big thanks to the many community members involved in achieving this outcome.

Also kudos to TfNSW for running a good community consultation process. It was hard for us and hard for them, but I have a lot of respect for the way they operated and demonstrated good public service.

Now we just need the Minister to align with us and implement the preferred option.

Juliet Bourke, Blackheath Co-Design Committee representative of the Save Centennial Glen community